Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Academy of Storytelling Workshop

We are happy to announce the Academy of Storytelling Workshop to be held at the Kathalaya Resource Centre,
from 24th to 28th of August 2010.

The workshop will cover –
 Listening skills, Voice and language development.
 Intrinsic and extrinsic Qualities of a teller.
 Body language-Role Play, The 4 Rs of telling
 Creativity and Innovative ways of creating your own stories.
 Use of puppetry and making of 10 different types of puppets,
 Chitrakathas and different Kinds of picture stories- How to make use them.
 Storycards-Integrating stories with lesson plans and worksheets.
 Cultural and indigenous story telling forms
 Exploring Personal stories- strengths and weaknesses of a teller.
 Group and individual presentations
 Evaluation and Certificate.

The Academy faculty comprises subject specialists, artists and counselors
The timings are: 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
Service charges – Rs. 6000/-. Includes materials, snacks tea, certificate and
a “resource book for Story Educators’.
Ph: 9845207073, 9886244808, 26689856
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